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Red Line Oil supports contingency programs for several different series. BMW Car Club of America Club Racing and SCCA are some examples of supported series.

Contingency is very simple! Run our stuff, finish up near the top (or win a random drawing) and you’ll have a great chance of getting prizes redeemable at REDLINEOIL.COM for motor oil, gear oil, additives, grease and more. We like to reward good performance, but also like to say “thank you” to the guys and gals who show us support and don’t hit those top 3 or 5 spots. Most of all, our programs are to recognize that we value each and every racer using Red Line Oil in their car and support our brand. We’re posting several thousands of dollars of product and we hope you take advantage of the various programs available!

  1. Run the 8-inch oval Red Line decal on both sides of your car (available at EVERY race)
  2. Buy $75 of Red Line products within the six months BEFORE the event . If you win a prize, within 30 days, you should scan and email or send in the qualified Red Line receipts, certificate and photo of the race vehicle. Once we verify the documents, we will supply a one-time-use promo code to use on our website for product and to cover the cost of freight. Any unspent prize value expires at the time of order.

Eligibility Requirements

The promo code is valid for 60 days from the date it’s issued.

If you would like to talk to us about contingency efforts in a new series, please email contingency@redlineoil.com to see if we can help you with your efforts.

A benefit of our contingency program, is that we are racers so we understand the processes to make things easy and can provide the knowledge and tech help that is often needed to get the right formula in your car for high-performance needs.

Redeem Award

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